Yujiulü Anagui

Yujiulü Anagui (Chinese: 郁久閭阿那瓌; pinyin: Yùjiǔlǘ Ānàgūi) (?-552) khan of the Rouran (520-552) with the title of Chiliantoubingdoufa Khan (敕連頭兵豆伐可汗). He was succeeded by Yujiulü Tiefa.

When Bumin Qaghan wanted to marry a princess of the royal family, Anagui sent an emissary to Bumin to rebuke him, saying, "You are my blacksmith slave. How dare you utter these words?".[1][2][3][4]

In 552 (February 11 - March 10, 552), Anagui was defeated by Bumin in north of Huaihuang (in present day Zhangjiakou, Hebei) and committed suicide.[5].


  1. ^ 馬長壽, 《突厥人和突厥汗國》, 上海人民出版社, 1957,p. 10-11 (Chinese)
  2. ^ 陳豐祥, 余英時, 《中國通史》, 五南圖書出版股份有限公司, 2002, ISBN 978-957-11-2881-8, p. 155 (Chinese)
  3. ^ Gao Yang, "The Origin of the Turks and the Turkish Khanate", X. Türk Tarih Kongresi: Ankara 22 - 26 Eylül 1986, Kongreye Sunulan Bildiriler, V. Cilt, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 1991, s. 731. (English)
  4. ^ Burhan Oğuz, Türkiye halkının kültür kökenleri: Giriş, beslenme teknikleri, İstanbul Matbaası, 1976, p. 147. «Demirci köle» olmaktan kurtulup reisleri Bumin'e (Turkish)
  5. ^ Linghu Defen et al., Book of Zhou, Vol. 50. (Chinese)
Preceded by
郁久閭醜奴 Yùjiǔlǘ Chǒunú
Khagan of the Rouran
Succeeded by
郁久閭婆羅門 Yùjiǔlǘ Póluómén